Real Talk Live with Dee and Dr.Lisa


Real Talk Live with Dee and Dr.Lisa

Real Talk: Our Journey and Celebrating Love An Introduction Letter by Dee Derrick and Dr. L.A. Matthews

We sincerely thank A.M.P.S Magazine Atlanta for allowing us to share our story with its readers by serving as contributing authors. We hope you find our column and the content useful for your life. We will take this time to introduce ourselves and provide an overview of our story and backgrounds. We also want you to be become better informed about our book entitled “Real Talk: Candid Conversations with Black Men about Black Women” that capture the unedited voices of Black men in a documentary style format that fully engages all readers from various backgrounds and cultures. Real Talk is a compilation of conversations from Black men about their perspectives of Black women. dee deeWe made a conscious decision to begin our series of Real Talk books within the Black community, because we felt there was great strain in how Black men and women view one another.
We wanted this book to be positive, yet still cover the controversial topics. This book is not an attempt to prove who’s right or wrong, but simply a spark of a dialogue, that will not include any of bashing of each other’s gender.We interviewed Black men from all sorts of diverse backgrounds (i.e., ages, religious, family lifestyle etc).

We believe the book offers women a vantage point when approaching future relationships by allowing them to enter into the male psyche to get a realistic idea of how men process women and relationships. We (Dee Derrick and Dr. L.A. Matthews) met several years ago on the job and soon realized our similar aspirations of writing a book on relationships. It wasn’t long before our strengths would provide the perfect complement for teaming up on a joint venture. Derrick possesses an extensive psychology and social sciences background while Matthews provides an education and qualitative research background. Combined, our gifts offered a fresh spin on the dated self-help relationship manuals decorating bookshelves across the country. Our commentary in A.M.P.S. Magazine Atlanta: Real Talk will offer you a diverse view on love, relationships, dating, marriage, and commitment. We’ll interview relationship experts, highlight some successful couples and offer strategies on living your best life whether you’re single, married, widowed, or divorced. It does not matter what your relationship status is, you’ll be able to connect with these various voices of love. So what better way to start off our first column than by celebrating one of the most beloved couples, our President and First Lady, Barack and represent for the Black Family, but for what they symbolize for the American Family in general. One may wonder how the President of the United States and First Lady find time to foster their relationship. Though, there are certainly many variables to this equation, they have always been consistent in stating and proving that family will always be at the forefront of their lives. Family is the essence of our being. It is why we strive for excellence daily.

It is the very reason that we choose to live and remain hopeful. In the eyes of many, it is most probably that ideology that gives our President and First Lady strength in the most difficult situations. They have this undisputable sense of love, passion, and togetherness that seems to resonate with just a simple glance between these lovebirds. And yes…there are many statistics that don’t appear to be ‘In the Name of Love” but maybe, we should go back to the basics. Ther is a quote from Michelle on dating that simplifies tghe very thing that many of us, men and women seem to struggle with. In her words, “Cute is good, but cute only lasts for so long, and then it’s…who are you as a person!” Don’t look at the bankbook or the title. Look at the heart. Look at the soul. When you are dating a man, you should always feel good…you shouldn’t be in a realtionship with somebody who doesn’t make you completely happy or doesn’t make you feel whole” So for all the “Hopeless Romantics” out there, remember, there is still hope!

Dee Derrick & Dr. L.A. Matthews
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Twitter: @DeeRealTalkLA


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