School for Muslim Youth Needs Your Help



Asalaamu’alaykum  Dear Brothers and Sisters:

   Almost two years ago our Mosque was fully renovated after being damaged by a fire. By the grace of god and with the support of many great people around the world, we are now teaching around 300 students Quran and the qualities of being a good Muslim and outstanding citizen in the community. With such a great number that continues to grow we decided to start a full-time school for the Muslim youth in our community. With most of our students coming from less well-to-do families, we are asking for the support from our Brothers and Sisters everywhere.
Please, if you can afford to give $10 or $20, we can successfully reach our goal in no time. Children are our top priority, and we are committed to their education and well being. Inshallah we can count on your support.

Jazakumulah Khair

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