By William Bates

Meow MeowIn the ’90 I spent a great deal of time watching Cabaret Theater. I was dating a stage singer at that time. So, I was familiar with the art form and also with the political jokes that often infuse the songs. Meow Meow and her pianist were on stage about 90 minutes to a sold out audience at the Columbia Club directed by Shannon Forsell. The show as lighted to give the room a sultry ambiance for the singer to fascinate the crowd with music more in snippets and paradoxical phrasing. Nonetheless it was entertaining for the patrons. Cabaret continues and that is the good thing. I suppose one could say that now it is like viewing a museum piece; the art form from the past. The sound and acoustics were slightly off for me and the lighting effects were limited to say the least. However Meow Meow pulled off the show with great skill, keeping the audience captivated and wowed all through her last number when body dove into the audience and they handed her over the crowd until she was at the back of the room for her exit. That’s when I had the opportunity to speak with her about her style and what she is attempting to say though her performances.

“I am trying to get people to take a closer look at life. I feel that is my purpose. Using song to remind people of situations over the years and not continue to better the world”, she told me. We had a great eye connection that seemed to be causing a little tension with the other guest waiting to get some time with her. “I’ve been singer a very long time”, she told me, never revealing her age. But, I wanted to know who she was on the inside. Not the crowd pleasing spectacle that most performers have to continue with speak with the public or press. “I’m just being me. This is what I do. I don’t want to do anything else.” Then we were unskillfully interrupted by some guy believing that she was giving me too much time. I was scheduled to interview her after the cd signing but that would take over an hour and I was double parked on the monument circle. I believe that Cabaret at the Columbia Club will survive. Cabaret has always done well in Indianapolis.