Million Man March 20th Anniversary


Justice Or Else

Failing Education

The school-to-prison pipeline is a real issue with all the data to prove it. With poor learning execution in public schools and increasing school closures, our children are unknowingly marching themselves into private prisons, which are trading on the stock market, and hinge and prey on their failures and mistakes. Let’s change this!


Justice Or Else is the call of Faith leaders, youth leaders, activists as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan announced the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Million Man March to be held October 10, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Justice Or Else – The Million Man March 20th Anniversary is to be held on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on October 10, 2015.

For more information on the Justice or Else Movement, go:


Unjust Killings

From the slaughter of Native Americans to the unjustified lynchings of Blacks, the only thing “new” are the methods and uniforms of the perpetrators. The results are yet the same. Let’s speak for the Mike Browns, Trayvon Martins, Oscar Grants, Tamir Rice and thousands of others whose name go unknown and stop this madness.

The Troubled World

The poverty, the hunger, the nakedness, the squalor, the disease, the violence, the hatred, the racism, the materialism, the nationalism, the idea of greed and lust and immorality and vice that is sweeping, not just America, but the whole world, says that our religions, all of them, have failed.


Thousands of participants in the "Million Man March" gather on the Mall October 16. The Washington Monument is in the background. The rally is intended as a day for black men to unite and pledge self-reliance and reaffirm their commitment to their families - RTXFOIQ
Thousands of participants in the “Million Man March” gather on the Mall October 16. The Washington Monument is in the background. The rally is intended as a day for black men to unite and pledge self-reliance and reaffirm their commitment to their families – RTXFOIQ

The Million Man March on Washington, DC October 16, 1995

The Million Man March Wikipedia