Securing the Perfect Interview


“Securing the Perfect Interview”

A.M.P.S. Magazine recognizes your need to “Ace” that job interview when you are given the opportunity to showcase your talents. So we put some helpful hints together the push you along in landing that job that you were made for. The hiring manager of your perspective company will be mpressed when you follow these simple steps in securing your future in the career that you desreve. Good Luck!!

* Always keep in mind that your Resume/ Applications MUST be be typed and error free. Always include your name, address, phone numbers and email address to give yur persepctive employers full access and all of the information they may need.
* Do not list your contact information as a header but include this information as part of the body of your resume. Also to ensure that your objective matches the position that you are applying for.
* List all of your job history and experience and be specific. What units did you work in, what type of tests/exams have you conducted, what types of patients have you cared for, what special skills have you utilized, etc. Employers want to read the “Story” of your history and qualifications, not sporadic events in your job history.  
* Include a listing of licenses and certifications on your resume. interview when you are called for an interview, remember to make a note of the person’s name you will be meeting with. Arrive early for the interview. If you will be late, call with an estimated time of arrival.
* Always, always bring extra copies of your resume with you so you can distribute to everyone that interviews you. Turn off your cell phone and pagers before you arrive for the interview. One thing to remember is that “First Impressions Count”!
* Present yourself in a professional manner (dress, speech and the manner in which you interact with others). Be prepared to ask questions. A successful hire is great for both the employer as well as the employee. Determine what is important to you in a job and ask questions to determine if the employer will offer those items that will make you a happy employee. Communicate during the interview what your experiences have been, why you are interested in the job you are applying for and what skills you would bring with you.
* After you leave the interview, obtain a business card of the interviewer from the receptionist/ front desk. After 24 hours, follow up with a “Thank You” email or phone call to let the interviewer know that you appreciate their time.


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