Oriana, The Columbian Model

AMPS: Oriana, where are you from?
Oriana Farias: I’m from Columbia. I married my husband who is American in 2016. I moved to the US in 2017 after I got my residence.

AMPS: What are your goals?
Oriana Farias: My current goal is to be in business. Right now, I have a job. My husband and I are working on building a company together. We are planning to have someone assistance us is doing that so we’re on the way already. This is definitely something we’re doing within a short time.

AMPS: Do you have a name for the business?
Oriana Farias: The name is ‘Essential for Women.’

AMPS: Tell us a little about the business. What are your goals for the business and what do you want to accomplish with it?
Oriana Farias: It is an online business and we are still in the development stages. We definitely want to help women feel better about themselves. We will be offering some products and resources for women. It will be geared towards what they want and what they want to look like.

AMPS: So, stuff like hair and makeup?
Oriana Farias: Yes, things for her, like hair products.

AMPS: So, tell us about your modeling. How long have you been modeling? What is your good and bad about the industry?
Oriana Farias: The modeling was something that my husband said that he saw something in me and he thought that I could be good doing it. One day we just got on internet, went to one website and we created a profile like a model. Immediately we received some calls from photographers who want to shoot me. I did some shoots maybe a couple times and they liked it. The first time, I remembered being a little bit scared and I was unsure about it. By the second time I really enjoyed it. Why this could be good or bad maybe because I’m a little bit short. I’m 5 feet 1 inch and people say that models are taller. I also know that there are different types of models and I am so happy to do that. My breast is 94 centimeters, my waist is around 60 and my hips they are 95.

AMPS: When you were in Colombia what school did you attend and tell me a little bit about your background?
Oriana Farias: That is very interesting because I used to live in Panama. I’m from Colombia, but when I was 19 years old, I moved to Panama. I lived there with my mom and I was a babysitter for three years until I realized that I didn’t want to do it. Then I decided that I wanted to go to college. I graduated with Business Administration and tourism. I worked as travel agent for about ten years. Then when I met my husband and I decided to come here. We live in Anderson and there aren’t many travel agents or I just haven’t seen them there. That’s why I decided to try something different.

AMPS: What college did you go to?
Oriana Farias: I went to the University of Panama.

AMPS: What are some of your turn-ons. What excites you? What makes you turned on to somebody? What excites you sexually and gets you motivated to work? Makes you happy? Oriana Farias: Family definitely makes me happy and makes me feel good. I have no words when I talk to my family. They are the most important parts of my life.

AMPS: Do you have any turn-offs, things that you don’t like, or something that somebody might do that you just hate being around?
Oriana Farias: People cursing.

AMPS: Is there anything that your family say about you?
Oriana Farias: Okay something my husband always says about me is when I laugh it is very loud. Also my “R’s” the way I say them, my husband say that it is sexy.

AMPS: What are your hobbies?
Oriana Farias: To dance. I love Latin music. I hear music and my body start to shake.

AMPS: So, when you hear Latin music like what does it do to you?
Oriana Farias: It makes my hips start moving by themselves. So definitely my hips don’t lie!

AMPS: Is it only Latin you like to dance to or do you dance to any other type of music?
Oriana Farias: I do like other music, but the Latin music is the music that makes me feel something in my blood. I can tell you I felt that in my blood. I also like pop like Rihanna, Adele and Cardi B

AMPS: If you could meet any celebrity who would it be and why?
Oriana Farias: Denzel Washington because I’m in love with him!

AMPS: So, Denzel I would say is your male celebrity. Do you have a female idol like that?
Oriana Farias: Yes, Rihanna! I really like her!

AMPS: Is there any particular reason you chose Rihanna?
Oriana Farias: I think she is talented.

AMPS: Not because she’s from another country?
Oriana Farias: Oh no, that is not the reason. I like the way she dances, moves, sings and she is pretty.

AMPS: This a weird question. So, when you look in the mirror everybody kind of like have this idea of who and what they look like. When you look in the mirror is there anybody you try to compare yourself to?
Oriana Farias: Let me tell you something, I consider myself like a Chameleon. I don’t know how to say that word in English.

AMPS: Chameleon?
Oriana Farias: Sometimes I look independent. It depends on what is my hairstyle and I can look like a different person. Usually it’s what I’m wearing at that moment. There are some people that have said I look like J-Lo. I don’t consider myself looking like her, but there are some people who say “Hey, you look like J-Lo.”

AMPS: Do you have a philosophy, saying, slogan or anything that you say to yourself or that you live by? 
Oriana Farias: Love yourself. If you don’t love yourself nobody is going to love you.

AMPS: For people they are from Colombia you have any words of wisdom that you could say to them?
Oriana Farias: I’d say that they can do anything they want to. If you really want it, you can do it! Some of my family told me “Oriana I’m so proud of you” because I decided to go forward and I did it! If you really want to do something in your life that’s important, you deserve it. When you think that you deserve something, it can be possible. Sometimes people think like, “oh no, I can’t do that” or “no, I’m not good for that or “somebody else can do it, but I can’t.” When you think that you can do it, you can!


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